Friday, March 11, 2011

Tormented Mind

Inside this dead black box locked inside a mind of nothingness,
so to be......
so to be....
don't worry everthing will be okay.....
sooon they say soon they say lets just pray to say;

Locked inside darkness, controlled by a constant fear tryed to live a life,
a life? my life, our life.... the Makers life for us... to be>>>
so to be.....
so to be.....
don't worry everthing will be okay...
sooon they say soon they say lets just pray to say;

a Light, no more darkness to blight the right,
so we live happy a promise to be,
a life for ever to be;
so to be....
so to be....
don't worry everthing will be okay...
sooon they say soon they say lets just pray to say;

(Still busy.....)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

 Something new totally randomness, for feeling weak in a state where its even hard to find myself needless to say "sorry".....  

# Empty Space...

Waiting in this empty space,
a sickend mind filled with lies,
with hope asif im a seed,
plant me in this world with hope to grow?
Into something I need to know??
what if im alone needless to grow,
to grow into somthing only my Maker know...

No one can help grow,
asif Im alone, not that i can control,
any of myself,
 needless to grow
what I hear in my ear - my heart,
what is that unspoken words, to belief in?

This is me a little seed, growing into somthing I don't know,
Maker, guide me to seek the truth of the unspoken,
make my space a non-empty space, let my see what the,
rest seek to be, **---- Still editing---**

Darkness still reign in my soul as the Inevitable seeks to feed of my happyness, a pain I fear....

+++^^Help me if you can^^+++........